Shop Guides For Saving Money
Re: Termination MessagesOur full response regarding the recent email attack on our users. If you received a suspicious email asking for private account information, please do not respond.RebatesMe
RebatesMe Cash Back Protection
Your rewards are safeMissing cash back is not fun. But if you’re a RebatesMe member, your cash back is protected – meaning you can keep what you’ve earned.RebatesMe
Latest Updates: Stores and Deals
last updated 03/19/2020Some merchants are experiencing hardship during this time which may affect cash back rates at a moment's notice. Here's the latest updates.RebatesMe
Cross Border Online Shopping Booms in Wake of Coronavirus
The Coronavirus effects on eCommerceThe Coronavirus has drastically slowed many aspects of the Chinese economy. Yet online sales have seen a dramatic spike in its wake.Rebatesme